SportzGemz provide an easy to use, natural, odor removing solution. Our pouches are natural odor eliminators. Yes, they eliminate the odor. The volcanic mineral inside the pouch sucks the smell, and the moisture, out of the shoes, gloves, skates… and into the mineral. This process is called adsorption. The mineral stores all the moisture and smell for months and continues to suck it out of the stinky sports equipment. Eventually, the mineral becomes saturated in smell and moisture molecules. Placing the pouch in the sun will release everything stored and re-energize the pouch.

2 shoe size pouches for skates, cleats, gloves, sneakers…
1 larger pouch to be left in the sports bag…
Use in soccer bags, volleyball bags, gym bags, a teenager’s rooms…
Especially for sports with a bag with shoes or gloves.
Use for 2 years.