About Us

As a sports mom to 3 athletes, I have driven many miles holding my nose. My husband and I believe that encouraging our kids to excel in sports helps to make them stronger, healthier, more disciplined individuals. The challenge was that as the talent and level of play increased, so did the smell.

I believe there is a natural solution to most problems, so I went looking for one that would stop the smell. What I found was zeolite, an amazing mineral with many unique properties. As we continue to work with zeolite, we find more uses for it and are expanding our product line accordingly. The applications for our products are endless.

Our customers are looking for natural, earth-friendly solutions. We provide a natural solution to a common problem. Check out the testimonials from our satisfied customers.

At Fresh-N Home Products we are in our 15th year of business. We are passionate about bringing earth-friendly products to market and making a small difference in our beautiful world. Not only do we sell these eco friendly products on our website,  we participate in the White Rock BC Farmer’s Market, the Ladner Village Market, the Coquitlam Farmer’s Market and the West Coast Christmas Show.  Visit our facebook page for the dates and times of our next market.

In the last few years, our daughter’s Kim and Nicole have joined us in the business.  It’s wonderful to have everyone working together.

We value your opinions and comments and would love to hear from you.


Wendy, Kim and Nicole
Langley, BC

Comments or questions are welcome.

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